Selected bibliography
Franz, M-L von.
On Divination and Synchronicity: The Psychology of Meaningful Chance.
Toronto: Inner City Books.
Sharp, H. J.
‘Sacred Geometry and the Enneagram’, in
Sacred Geometry and the Enneagram.
[Self-published]. CreateSpace,
pp. 6-49.
Llull, R.
A Contemporary Life.
Translated by A. Bonner.
Barcelona/Woodbridge: Barcino·Tamesis.
MiniLab 3 User Manual.
Meylan, France: Arturia S.A.
Augustine, A.
‘On the Trinity’, in Dodds, M. (ed.)
The Works of Aurelius Augustine,
Vol. VII.
Translated by A. W. Haddan.
Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark,
pp. 241-260.
Ghazālī, A., al-.
The Logical Part of al-Ghazālī's Maqāṣid al-falāsifa.
Translated by G. B. Chertoff.
Ph. D. Thesis.
Columbia University, NY,
pt II, pp. 1-110.
Feyerabend, P.
‘Farewell to Reason’, in
Farewell to Reason.
London: Verso,
pp. 314-319.
World Wide Web Consortium [W3C]
RDF 1. 1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax,
W3C [Online].
Available at w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts
(Accessed 20 March 2014).
Nou Testament.
Translated by J. M. Prat i Solà
Madrid: Sociedad Bíblica B. y E.